The curator of automotive industry held on in Minpromtorg three months

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The director of specialized department Igor Boytsov leaves the post the Director of the department of automotive industry and railway mechanical engineering Minpromtorg Igor Boytsov leaves the post. About it daily business newspaper "Vedomosti" were told three sources familiar with activity of this department. Igor Boytsov it was appointed to this post only a three months ago, at the end of February, 2023. It will finish work in the ministry approximately in a week (that is by the end of May), two interlocutors speak. The name of the potential successor on this post is not known to them. daily business newspaper "Vedomosti" sent questions to Minpromtorg. On a site of department of Igor Boytsov still...
Denise Pak
Last position: Director of the department of automotive industry and railway mechanical engineering (Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation)
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