Postgres Pro Enterprise 15 DBMS received the certificate of conformity Federal Service for Technical and Export Control

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Soderzhaniye2023 of Postgres Pro Enterprise 15 DBMS received the certificate of conformity Federal Service for Technical and Export Control Postgres Pro Enterprise 15.1.1 2022 the Announcement about the termination of support of Windows Availability on a platform of social network "VKontakte" Cloud Compatibility with products InfoWatch Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.6.1 with the increased number of sections a hash table of comparisons in the general buffer Certification updatings of versions 11.13.1 and 13.4.1 2021 Compatibility of Nutanix AOS Compatibility with "Red OS" 2020: The Postgres Pro Enterprise updating to the 12th version 2019 Transition of "EAM Galaxy" on Postgres Pro Enterprise Postgres Pro Enterprise 11.4.1...