Leading distribution networks of the country estimated the enterprises of fishery branch Kamchatka Territory

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Representatives of distribution networks PJSC "VKUSVILL", "Globe" and "Tape" visited six enterprises and held a meeting with fishery managers...
Vladimir Solodov
Last position: Governor of Kamchatka Krai (Governor of the Kamchatka Territory)
Julia Morozov
Last position: Vice-chairman (Government of the Kamchatka Territory)
Sergei Nekhaev
Last position: Acting as head (Governor Administration and government of the Kamchatka Territory)
Vladimir Mikhaylovich Galitsyn
Last position: Chairman of association (ADLK)
Andrey Zdetovetsky
Last position: Minister (Ministry of the Rybnoye city of economy of the Kamchatka Territory)