Inhabitants Brianka cleared the course and the river bank Lozovaya

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Within the All-Russian action "Water of Russia", inhabitants of Brianka started cleaning of the course and a river Lozovaya shore of dry branches and the broken trees. About it reported Luganmedia media holding. In media holding added that for garbage removal the special equipment Municipal unitary enterprise "KomServis" is involved. National Councils of LNR participated in an action Pavel Nikolaevich Maly, activists of VPP "United Russia" Party, housing and communal services workers, employees of Rudmash plant and all not indifferent inhabitants the deputy. The general extent of the shore planned to cleaning will make 200 meters. "Ecological actions are always important, because...
Pavel Nikolaevich Maly
Main activity:Field expert
"United Russia"
Political ideology:Centrism, liberal conservatism, etatism
Municipal unitary enterprise "KomServis"