Igor Zarubinsky is appointed to a position of the vice-president for development infrastructures of Public joint-stock company "Mobilnyye TeleSistemy"

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Public joint-stock company "Mobilnyye TeleSistemy", the digital ecosystem, declares about naznacheniiigorya Zarubinskogochlen boards and the vice-president for development infrastructures of Public joint-stock company "Mobilnyye TeleSistemy", and also director general MWS (Public joint-stock company "Mobilnyye TeleSistemy" Web Services). Under its management in MWS the current strategy in a context of grocery leadership of Public joint-stock company "Mobilnyye TeleSistemy" in oblastitsifrovy infrastructure ioblachny services, and also introduction of innovations and profitability businesses will be realized. Representatives of Public joint-stock company "Mobilnyye TeleSistemy". "We welcome Igor Zarubinsky who before transitions of Public joint-stock company "Mobilnyye TeleSistemy" directed protsessomii-transformations and creation of a kliyentotsentrichny platform mass...