Glafira Tarkhanova, Alexander Ratnikov and Andrey Barilo in the melodrama "Paromshchitsa. Dream valley"

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On May 29 at 21:20 on air of Russia TV channel the premiere of the serial melodrama "Paromshchitsa will take place. Dream valley" – continuation of the love story fallen in love to the audience and fight for happiness of a paromshchitsa of Nadezhda. Leading roles in a new season played: Glafira Tarkhanova, Alexander Ratnikov, Andrey Barilo, Andrey Aleksandrovich Frolov, Marina Mitrofanov, Sterzhakov Vladimir and others. The director of the project – Libin Stanislas ("Midwife", "the Midwife. New series", "Midwife. Happiness on order"). Passed two years. The hope (Glafira Tarkhanova) is rather happy: near it her dearest men – the son Adaev Konstantin and the beloved...
Glafira Tarkhanova
Last position: Actress
Andrey Barilo
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Moskovsky akademichesky theater satiry")
Helena Dudina
Last position: Actress
Anastasia Akatova
Last position: Actress
Sergei Mikhaylovich Chudakov
Last position: Actor (RAMT)
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