Growth of Russians increases

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Soderzhaniyeklyuchevy indicators Population 2022: Number reduction on 555 332 persons to 146,4 million 2020 Population was reduced by 0,5 million people, to 146,24 million people - Federal State Statistics Service population Reduction on 382 thousand people in 10 months 2019: 146,74 million people 2018: Population invariance since 1989 2017: 1,9% of the population of Earth 2015: 146,5 million people (%2B0,9% in a year) 2013: 143,3 million people 2010: Reduction since 2002 on 2,3 million to 142,8 million people 1897: In the Russian Empire 125,6 million people 1884: Russian Federation cedes United States of America the 3rd place on population in the world countries...