About the advanced development and training opportunities: Week of neurotechnologies and cognitive sciences"] started III\

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On May 22 Week of neurotechnologies and cognitive sciences" which is carried out within Year of the teacher and the mentor in an online format started III ". In the first day Institutes Cognitive Neurosciences of FEDERALNOYE GOSUDARSTVENNOYE AUTONOMNOYE OBRAZOVATELNOYE UCHREZHDENIYE VYSSHEGO OBRAZOVANIYA "NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY "HIGH SCHOOL EKONOMIKI" "Cognitive sciences and technologies presented to the audience of translation an educational program of a magistracy: from neuron to knowledge"; told about opportunities and development Laboratories of neurophysiology and neurocomputer interfaces of Moskovsky state university named after M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosova, Moskovsky university or Moscow State University. Directly on air experts showed aytrekingovy experiments and showed how people react to various images. Later? during discussion "To that to study...