The trauma of the wounded deputy head of administration of the Belgorod city] is opene

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City administration Grayvoron Belgorod Region Blyashenko Anatoly hospitalized the deputy head with shin wound. About it reports Telegram Messenger (resurs narushaet zakon RF) - the Shot channel. Deputy heads of administration Grayvoron got wound on Monday, May 22 when arrived on urgent meeting on questions of evacuation of locals. Earlier the governor Belgorod Region Vyacheslav Gladkov reported that as a result of attack of Armed forces Ukraine (VSU) on the Grayvoronsky district suffered three persons. On May 22 VSU within several hours fired at the territory Belgorod Region. Then on the territory of the Grayvoronsky district...
Vyacheslav Gladkov
Last position: Governor (Government of the Belgorod region)
Blyashenko Anatoly
City administration
Government Agency