Excursion to JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MKPK "UNIVERSAL" NAMED AFTER A. I. PRIVALOVA" for ninth-graders of GBOU "School Beskudnikovo" and GBOU "School "Range"

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Within cooperation with GARAGE COOPERATIVE "ROSTEKH" on dual training on May 19 GAPOU NO. 8 PC NAMED AFTER I. F. PAVLOV organized excursion to JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MKPK "UNIVERSAL" NAMED AFTER A. I. PRIVALOVA" for ninth-graders of GBOU "School Beskudnikovo" and GBOU "School "Range". Children visited museum the enterprises and shops. Learned about the valorous past of plant and its modern life. Saw how the employees work, what responsible tasks they carry out on implementation of the state orders. Excursion will help children with choice of profession on which to file documents to college after the termination of schools...