Wait for me from Barcelona. The history of the Spaniard who looks for lost in Russian Federation 20 years ago the sister, it already found the brother

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Kirilina Julia almost do not speak Russian. She was only one and a half years old when from Nizhny Novgorod to Spain it was taken away by adoptive parents. In the homeland with it remained the brother Yakovlev Dimitri and, probably, the sister Maria. Twenty years later after separation she tries to find it. For this purpose the girl even brought channels to TikTok (resurs narushaet zakon RF) and on YouTube, and also made the DNA test. Not without helps the translator she told the history to the correspondent of local portal "NN.RU". "Me adopted, but I realized not at once it" — our mother did not care of us, left the house, having thrown us one — tells Kirilina Julia. Then she was one and a half years old. It...