Internet mass-media on May 19. Site sport TV channel "Match TV". Big interview Irina Fetisova

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Volleyball players of Moscow "Dynamo" triumphally spent a season-2022/23 — on their account of a victory in the championship Russian Federation, in the Cup Russian Federation and on the Sports contest of the strongest in structure of the national team Moscow. For capital club it is the eighth title of the champion of the country. The long-term leader of "Dynamo" and combined Russian Federation, the champion Irina Fetisova in interview sport TV channel "Match TV" told Europe and estimated the last recommendations International Olympic Committee according to the admission of Russians on the international competitions. — For...
Arina Fedorovtsev
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (Independent noncommercial organization "Zhensky Volleyball club "Dinamo-Kazan")
 Anna Lazarev
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball in club "IBK of Altos" (South Korea)
Irina Fetisov
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "VK DINAMO (MOSKVA)")
Kapustina Irina
Goncharova Natalia
турецкий "Фенербахче"