Hunting on witches: for what sent women to fires and and here red and beautiful

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It is considered that hunting on witches belongs to the Middle Ages, however the first mentions of this phenomenon meet at the time of late Antiquity, and the last — in the XVIII century. magazine "Forbes Woman" tell, for what threw innocent women into dungeons, the Theologian and the philosopher Akvinsky Foma (1224–1277) tortured and burned on fires waiting for the Doomsday considered that acts of a devil are real, and added that women much more men are inclined to sorcery. Akvinsky Foma for the first time separated a vedovstvo from heresy (delusions) and allocated in a separate crime. To it heretics and heretics burned — long before...
Akvinsky Foma
Normandskaya Adela
Barbarossa Friedrich
Vasenius Yakob
Geldi  Anna