Billions on new transit: in Novosibirsk

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Conversations on construction the high-speed route which will be stretched through all Novosibirsk, go since the end of the 2000th years. During this time road called both the Baykalo-Chuysky highway, and Southwest transit while the name of the Southern transit was not assigned to it. To carry out the project, in the city built the third — Bugrinsky — the bridge, but to construct the track which has to connect highway "Irtysh" and East round, did not begin. At the end of last year the authorities even started looking for the contractor who almost for 1 billion rubles will agree to make the project for constructions, but later auctions cancelled...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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Andrey Aleksandrovich Travnikov
Last position: Governor (Government of the Novosibirsk region)
Anatoly Kostylevsky
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Transport and Road System of the Novosibirsk region)
Anatoly Lokot
Last position: Mayor (City Administration of Novosibirsk city)
Oshchepkov Alexander