The actor from series "Wood-grouse" Urazaev Rustam] die

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After a long illness at the age of 65 years the actor and the director Urazaev Rustam died, write mass media. It is reported that the actor had a cancer of the third stage. It passed treatment in the Moscow clinic. Urazaev Rustam was born on January 21, 1958. To pit of the actor of the beginnings at the age of 16 years. He played more than 50 roles at theater and cinema. In particular, Urazaev Rustam acted in the pictures "Wood-grouse" and "Pseudonym Albanian". The Soviet-Latvian actress Regina Razuma died on May 16 at the age of 71 year, the Radio receiving station of Information company "Natsionalnaya sluzhba novostey" (NSN) transfers "...