JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OKSKAYA SUDOVERF" prepares for descent the Arctic tow of the NEO25 project

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On JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OKSKAYA SUDOVERF" prepare for descent to water of the Arctic tow rescuer of the NE025 "Tepsey" project. As director general told to "Korabel.R" the enterprises Denise Samsikov, the second vessel in a series will be floated next week. Let's remind, the laying of five sea fire-prevention tows rescuers of the NE025 project for Federal Agency of Maritime and River Transport took place in December, 2021. Court names received in honor of the mountain tops located in places of future basing: "Timman", "Tepsey", "FAVOR" ", Pechak", "Uzon". As it was reported earlier, a tow...