Court prolonged till June competitive production in Altai "Peahen"

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Arbitral tribunal of the Altai Republic made again the decision to prolong competitive production in JSC "PAVA" (earlier - large agroholding Altai Territory) till June 27 of the current year. The corresponding definition is published on the website of vessels. The competitive managing director asks to collect from three ex-heads of bankrupt agroholding of 123 million rubles. "To prolong the term of competitive productions concerning JSC "PAVA" for two months till June 27, with extension of powers of the competitive managing director Naumov Dimitri", - it is spoken in definition of vessels. The report of the competitive managing director of companies will be heard at meeting on June 22...
Sergei Pupkov
Last position: Deputy (Regional Duma of Ryazan)
Naumov Dimitri
Popov Nicholas
Tsykunov Maxime
Lyubavicheva Eugenia