"The husband from a next world", "Inventive fallen in love" and "Hanuma": to Samara there arrived Magnitogorsk dramatic theater

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Photo: The Samara academic theater dramas of a name of M. Gorky During the period in Samara will take place from May 19 to May 21, 2023 "Big tours of Municipal autonomous cultural institution "Magnitogorsk drama theater of A.S. Pushkin", organized FGBUK ROSKONTSERTSO Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation is public All-Russian tour concert to the plan. Within "Big tours" on a scene of State budget cultural institution "SATD named after M. Gorkogo" will pass displays of performances: "The husband from a next world", "Inventive fallen in love", "Hanuma". "The idea of a reconstruction of uniform tour system received an improbable response at...