In Night of museums in Bakhrushinskom will pass 10 unique actions

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From Maia Plisetskaya to students of the Workshop Boris Yukhananov, from secrets Yermolova Maria to news about restorations Ostrovsky's estates, from music before theatrical action - such become a thematic route of participants of Night of museums who will carry out it with the Bakhrushinsky theatrical museum. The press service reported to name A.A about it FGBUK GTSTM. Bakhrushina. In the evening on May 20 visitors of the Moscow branches Bakhrushinskogo-of the Museum apartment of Maia Plisetskaya, the House museum Yermolova Maria and the House museum Shchepkin Mikhail – wait for excursion, lectures, concerts, performance and performance, and also draw of books. Entrance on everything...