On May 18 in the history: that happened this day

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In Sevastopol in 1886 floated the vessel "Chesma". It became the first Russian steel battleship. In 1927 there was an idea of creation in Hollywood avenues of prints of feet of movie stars. The American actress Norma Tolmadzh incidentally stepped on not stiffened asphalt, thereby having left on a surface a trace. This day, but in 1948, Soviet Union first-ever recognized Israel. A week later with the new country diplomatic relations were established. And in 2005 the first car descended from the conveyor "Lada the Guelder-rose". It is remarkable that development models began in 1993. May 18...
Alina Zagitova
Last position: The professional athlete on figure skating
Korotin Vyacheslav
Khayyam Omar
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