Work — is abrupt! Student's groups Republic of Mordovia opened the third labor semester

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On May 17 in Saransk opening of the third labor semester of student's groups Republic of Mordovia took place. To spend summer with advantage to have a rest and earn additionally — desire of many students. With participation in movement of student's groups it can be realized easily. Every year thousands students Republic of Mordovia work in groups of leaders, builders, physicians, conductors. At an opening ceremony on behalf of the Head of RM Artem Alekseevich Zdunov […] the Message Work — is abrupt! Student's groups Republic of Mordovia opened the third labor semester there was at first on News Republic of Mordovia...
Artyom Alekseevich Zdunov
Main activity:Politician
Darya Yegorkina
Last position: Actress
Pozdnyakov Dimitri
Dubkov Wladyslaw
Romanova Sofya
"of the Russian Federation Studencheskiye Otryady"
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Government Agency