Highest qualification board of judges of the Russian Federation defined kandidatatov on a post of heads of the supreme courts of new regions

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Moscow, on May 17, 2023, 20:50 — information agency "REGNUM". The highest qualification board of judges (Highest qualification board of judges of the Russian Federation) Russian Federation recommended applicants for positions of chairmen of the supreme courts of the Donetsk and Lugansk national republics, Kherson Region and Zaporizhia Oblast. About it reported "Rossiyskoye agentstvo pravovoy i sudebnoy informatsii". Themis Na the post of the chairman Supreme Courts of DNR is recommended Podkopaev Nicholas which is now chapter PERVY KASSATSIONNY COURT OF GENERAL JURISDICTION. For this position applied the ex-Minister of Justice of Donetsk People's Republic Youri Nikolaevich Sirovatko isudya the republics Zaritskaya Oksana. It agrees...