Katav-Ivanovsk district pronounced to the ex-head a sentence for waste

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Eugenie Kirshin who headed administration Katav-Ivanovsk district, according to the court decision , received three years of imprisonment conditionally for waste of budgetary funds with use of the position in service. Also former official is sentenced to payment a penalty of 100 thousand rubles. It became known of it from the message of Site of the Katav-Ivanovsk city City court of the Chelyabinsk region. The ex-head of the area was found guilty of waste of public funds in especially large size as regards 4 articles 160 Federal law of the Russian Federation of 13 June 1996 No. 63-FZ "On the Enforcement of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation". As representatives of vessels reported, Eugenie Kirshin is sentenced to punishment in a look...