In Zasviyazhsky rayon Ulyanovsk police officers detained illegal act suspected for commission

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On May 15 at 22.15 o'clock in a call center of Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of the Ulyanovsk region information on an arson of local point of police No. 4 OMVD RUSSIA PO ZASVIYAZHSKOMU RAYONU OF THE ULYANOVSK CITY, located in the house No. 26 down the street Pushkareva of the regional center arrived. As a result of carrying out quickly – search actions by the staff of criminal investigation department for suspicion in commission of crime it is detained earlier repeatedly judged 54 - the summer inhabitant of Ulyanovsk. Previously it is established that the malefactor poured over an entrance door and a window frame of local point of police gasoline from a plastic bottle and...