An alpha Bank suggested bonus clients to open the deposit in the Chinese yuans

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Minsk, on May 16 – Praympress. Closed joint-stock company "Alfa-Bank" gave opportunity to clients of a package of decisions A-Private to issue the deposit in the Chinese yuans, information on it is published on the official website banks. So, in product Alpha Private it is possible to issue the irrevocable deposit for a period of 3, 6, 12 and 24 months. The sum of the deposit can make from 500 to 3,5 million yuans. Rate on the deposit — to 3,25% per annum. "New clients can open the deposit after registration Paqueta of solutions of A-Private" — specified in bank. Closed joint-stock company "Alfa-Bank" (Belarus) is created in 1999 (till November, 2008 - JSC <5> Bank the international trades and...