Заур Аскендеров провел совещание с депутатами и работниками Аппарата парламента

Председатель Народного Собрания РД Заур Аскендеров провел совещание с депутатами, работающими на профессиональной постоянной основе, и работниками Аппарата...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «ГТРК "Дагестан"» , more details in our Terms of Service
Zaur Askenderov
Last position: Chairman (Dagestan regional branch office All-russian public organization "Delovaya Russia")
Sergei Miroshkin
Last position: Head (Popular Assembly Administration of the Republic of Dagestan)
Firudin Radzhabov
Last position: The Chairman of the Committee on national policy, questions of public and religious associations and inter-parliamentary communications (People's Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan)
Davdiev Camyl
Gamzatov Rasul