Doroteya Virer, Vittozzi and Dzhakomel headed headed the national team Italy a season-2023/2024

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Federation of winter vidov sports Italy published final structure of the national team on biathlon for a season-2023/2024. Members of team are divided into groups: traditional leaders of the national team are separately allocated, and other athletes form groups of preparation for the Olympic Games in Milan and Kortin (Italy) in 2026. Elita group. Leaders of the national team. Men Tommaso Giacomel Elita Group. Leaders of the national team. Women Elizabeth Vittotstsi Doroteya Virer Milan — Kortina-2026 Group. Men Didier Biona Patrick Braunkhofer Lucas Khofer Daniele Cappellari Cedric Kristill Daniele Fauner Iacopo Leonesio Elia Zeni David...
Doroteya Virer
Last position: The professional athlete on biathlon
Elizabeth Vittotstsi
Last position: The professional athlete on biathlon
Lucas Khofer
Last position: The professional athlete on biathlon
Trabukki Beatriche
Federation of winter vidov sports Italy
Main activity:Culture and sports