The movie company of Volga will publish the animation comedy "Zverogonshchiki" on June 22

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It became known that on June 22 the current year in film theatrical hire there will be an animation comedy "Zverogonshchiki" (6%2B). It will be presented by movie company of Volga. It should be noted that among founders of the movie – the producer John Williams Kh. (Shrek (12%2B), Shrek 2 (6%2B). As the director Ross Venokur acted. In the original version of a role sounded Jonathan Kimbl Simmons, Kliz John, Catherine Jane Ford, Sharon Lorensiya Khorgan and others. ASSOCIATION "SILKVEY RALLI" – the most unique race. Speed limits, various landscapes and only the best zverogonshchik of the world. However, it does not concern to a lovely fluffy small animal with big eyes and kind heart...
Jonathan Kimbl Simmons
Last position: Actor
Catherine Jane Ford (Catherine Teyt)
Last position: Actress, screenwriter
Williams Kh.
Kliz John