newspaper "Bild" reported that Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky in Berlin forgot the smartphone in the car

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Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky (Photo: Christophe Gateau / information agency "Reuters") President of Ukraine Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky during the visit to Berlin forgot in car the smartphone and pauerbank, newspaper "Bild" writes. According to the edition, Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky noticed loss when got into the helicopter. Departure for a while detained that the employee of Federal department of criminal police returned to car, took away smartphone and pauerbank, and then brought things to the Ukrainian president. Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky thanked him. As writes newspaper "Bild", the leader Ukraine apprehended a situation with a smile. Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky arrived to Berlin at night on May 14. It is the first visit of Ukrainian...
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky
Last position: President of Ukraine (President of Ukraine)
Olaf Sholts
Last position: Federal chancellor (Government of Federative Republic of Germany)
Shtaynmayer Valter