To Bryansk Region Zlynka can give to the inhabitant who has moved the person 12 years of a colony

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As a result road accidents the 25-year-old victim died on the spot, and the driver disappeared from a place of road accidents. The deputy prosecutor Bryansk Region approved the indictment on criminal case concerning the 25-year-old inhabitant Zlynka according to the item of h. 4 Art. 264 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (violation by the person, the managing director of car, rules of traffic, entailed on imprudence death of the person, interfaced to leaving of a place of its commission). According to the investigators, on January 22, 2023 in Zlynka on Krasnaya Street the driver cars allowed arrival on the pedestrian who was on the carriageway, after...
State traffic inspectorate of the Bryansk region