Week of the billionaire: theft at Tatyana Bakalchuk, "Atom" Ruben Vardanyan, confiscation of pictures Akhmedov Farkhad

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LLC "Vayldberriz" Tatyana Bakalchuk suffered losses in 650 million rubles because of swindlers, Company "Kama" in which Ruben Vardanyan was enclosed, presented the first electric car to Atom, in Hamburg the German criminal police confiscated a collection of works of art with superjyakhty Luna Akhmedov Farkhad, and in Moscow Zamoskvorechye district court of the city of Moscow and collected from the former participant of the list of magazine "Forbes" Khotin Aleksey 192 billion rubles of debts on taxes. In the digest of magazine "Forbes" — about the most important events of week with participation of the largest Russian businessmen the Digest covers events from May 5 to May 12. Under sanctions of the Power of United States of America transferred...