Soccer. Punished for "dogovornyak" Rybak Albert left a post of the head coach "Belshina"

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The Belarusian expert Rybak Albert left a post of the head coach "Belshina". Contract will terminate by agreement of the parties, the press service of "shinnik" reports. To the following game the team will be brought by Pavlov Vitaly. Rybak Albert: I cannot understand, for what punished us. "Belshina" did not hand over any games Rybak Albert headed team before season-2022 start. In the highest league "Shinnik" finished on the 12th place and kept a registration in elite. On start of the current season "Belshina" gathered two points in six matches. And then BFF took away from team ten points for participation in a fixed match. Rybak Albert was...