Weighing of UFC of Sharlott: Smith and Walker Johnny showed identical weight

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On the night of May 14 in Sharlott (Northern Carolina) Number UFC tournament on ABC 4 in which main event will pass fight in heavy weight between Jairzinho Rozenstrayc and Zhailton Almeida will take place. In days prior to tournament traditional procedure of weighing took place: Jairzinho Rozenstrayc (120,2 kg) against Zhailton Almeida (104,78 kg); Anthony Jay Smith (93,21 kg) against Walker Johnny (93,21 kg); Rodriges Danielle (77,79 kg) against Ian Harry (77,34 kg); Ulberg Carlos (92,76 kg) against Igor Poterya (92,76 kg); Timothy Carl Mins (77,34 kg) against Alex Morono (76,88 kg); Nathan Levi's Fight and Rodriges Pete is cancelled...