Unknown arranged shadowing the head Sverdlovsk Federal Agency for State Property Management

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Photo: Kornienko Edouard © Russian information company "URA.Ru" at the end of 2021 in Territorial administration office federal agency on administration office State property in Sverdlovsk region were replaced the management Committee of inquiry brought the criminal case, injured on which there passes the head Territorial administration office federal agency on administration office State property in Sverdlovsk region Zubenko Sergei. Unknown arranged shadowing it, also Zubenko Sergei arrive threats, reported Russian information company "URA.Ru" a source. The interlocutor considers as a reason for close attention to it the large-scale inspection which is carried out by territorial management (TU) Federal Agency for State Property Management across Sverdlovsk Region. Criminal case is brought as regards 1 article 137 "Illegal collecting or...