Source: the deputy minister of constructions Republic of Tatarstan Abubakirova Eleonora] is detaine

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Security officers detained the deputy minister of constructions, architecture and Household management company Republic of Tatarstan Abubakirova Eleonora within criminal case. About it reported sources "Real time". Abubakirova Eleonora was appointed the deputy minister of constructions, by architecture and Household management company Republic of Tatarstan at the end of last year, it started the responsibilities on December 5. On a site Minstroy Republic of Tatarstan Abubakirova Eleonora are registered in deputy ministers, however in attempt to come into its card the page gives out "File not found" inscription. Abubakirova Eleonora was born in the village of Elpachikh Barda district the Perm area. Ended in 2001...