Communists Nizhny Novgorod and Nizhny Novgorod Region held memorable meetings to 9 May, Victory Day

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On May 9, 2023 in the 78th anniversary of the Great Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, communists Autozavodsky rayon Nizhny Novgorod held memorable meeting and assigned a wreath and flowers to a monument of Eternal glory of the avtozavodets who have fallen in fights for freedom, honor and independence of our Great Homeland. Memorable meeting was opened by the member of bureau of a district committee Nicholas Fedorovich Ryabov. In the word he noted a contribution of Gorky car factory, avtozavodets as a whole, in the Great Victory. The secretary of Autofactory RK CPRF Tvankov Dimitri (the veteran of operations, the participant of SVO) handed over the memorable...
Nicholas Fedorovich Ryabov
Main activity:Politician
Tvankov Dimitri
Meta (it is forbidden in RF)
Main activity:Communication and IT
1 227
Political ideology:Socialism of the 21st century, communism, Marxism-Leninism, anti-capitalism, anti-fascism, patriotism.
Gorky car factory