PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSTELECOM" agreed about construction data-centers to Vologda Region

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Soderzhaniyeaktiva Napravleniya activity Indicators activity the History 2023 Conclusion of the contract about construction TsODA to Vologda Region Increase by 4,6 times of commissioning of server racks in TSODAKH 2022 PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSTELECOM" froze construction data-centers in regions Appointment Bochkarev Sergei director general "Rostelecom-TsOD" 2021 PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSTELECOM" began construction four data-centers in the south Moscow Creation "the Center of Technologies TsOD" on the basis of teams "Rostelecom-TsOD" and "Datalayn" Public joint-stock company "Bank VTB" sold part of the shares in "RTK-TsOD" PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSTELECOM" invests 12 billion rubles in TsODY 2020: Public joint-stock company "Bank VTB"...
Oleg Kuvshinnikov
Last position: Governor (Government of the Vologda region)
Kirill Alekseevich Menshov
Last position: Senior vice-president for information technologies (PJSC Rostelecom)
Mikhail Oseevsky
Last position: President, chairman of the board (PJSC Rostelecom)
Pavel Kaplunov
Main activity:Official
Sergei Ivanov
Last position: The special representative of the President concerning nature protection activity, ecology and transport (Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation)