In Kurganinsk district state car inspectors detained a drunk mopedist without a helmet and the rights

@MK.RU Krasnodar
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State car inspectors Kurganinsk district detained a drunk mopedist. According to militiamen, the 48-year-old man operated the two-wheeled HARDWARE without a helmet and refused to stop on legal requirement of staff of traffic police. Staff of bodies managed to detain the local during prosecution In the press service of traffic polices Kuban told that the driver did not have rights. According to the department, the alleged violator was at a drunk wheel, however refused medical survey. On this fact concerning a mopedist administrative reports under article 12.6 of Federal law of the Russian Federation of 30 December 2001 No. 195-FZ "On the Code on Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation" are made...