Children from Hirin took the second place in the I team tournament Shatki district on table tennis "the Victory Cup"

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This tournament grew from the Hirinsky Racket tournament founded in November, 2022. From local, carried out in one village, it turned in districtwide with the first prize – the Victory challenge cup. On May 7 in panovsky Culture center played five teams, everyone represented one of settlements Shatki district – Are shaky, Arkhangelsk, Panovo, Hirino and Elkhovk. Team table tennis competitions in the area were held for the first time for many years. In November, 2022 revival of this sport began with section and tournament at the Public center in Hirino. To the head coach –...
Alexander Seredkin
Last position: Director of the Buryat complex station of protection of the wood and forest seed farming of the Ministry of forestry of the Republic of Buryatia (Federal state-funded institution "Roslesozashchita")
Mosalev Anton
Nazmiev Nikita
Khokhryakov Mikhail
Culture center