The Mongolian fighter entered the four of prize-winners of tournament on hureshu in honor of 9 May, Victory Day in Tyva Republic

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Tournament on national fight huresh, devoted to the 78 anniversary of the Great Victory, traditionally collected full stadium fans of this sport. The State TV and Radio Broadcasting Company "Tyva" organized a live broadcast of competitions which was looked by more than six thousand fans. For a rank of the champion also Mongolian athletes, one of which fought – the state Nachyn can Amarsaykhan Delgersaykhan entered the four of the strongest. Arzylan became the champion of tournament can (Lev) Mongush Aydyn...
Subuday Mongush
Main activity:Politician
Mergen Oorzhak
Last position: Deputy (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Mongush Aydyn
Tyulyush Belek
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