Opening of the Championship Russian Federation in Lipetsk

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The ceremonial opening of the Championship Russian Federation on bench firing in Lipetsk which will pass on the shooting and bench complex "Lipetsk Metallurgist" from May 7 to May 14, 2023 took place. Lipetsk Region Mikhail Marinin, the chairman Lipetskogo City council deputies and the director Charity fund "Miloserdie" Fray Eugenia, the director sports clubs "the Lipetsk Metallurgist" Korolenko Youri the chief of Administration office physical culture and sport. Wished to athletes of good results and success at boundaries. The shooting Union Russian Federation is glad to welcome all participants on...
Mikhail Marinin
Last position: Chief (Administration of Physical Culture and Sports of the Lipetsk region)
Fray Eugenia
Korolenko Youri
Administration office physical culture and sport
City council
Charity fund "Miloserdie"