On the 82nd year of life the actor theaters and cinema, the child-hood friend Dovlatov Sergei Sergei Simonovich Dreyden] die

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The actor theaters and cinema Sergei Simonovich Dreyden died, he was 81 years old. About it 78.ru reported in the press service BDT named after G. A. Tovstonogova. Sergei Simonovich Dreyden is the owner of two national theatrical awards Festival Gold Mask, awards of an award of the Russian Academy of cinema arts of "Nickname", and also three highest theatrical awards Saint Petersburg "Gold spotlights". When the Great Patriotic War parents Sergei Simonovich Dreyden began Dreyde went together with theater to evacuation to Novosibirsk. There the family Dreydenov was together with families of actors Cherkasov Nicholas and Merkuryev Vasilii ...