"River Pleyt" pulled out a victory at "Boka Huniors" in game with 7 red cards

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"River Pleyt" won against "Boka Huniors" in a match of the 15th round of the Argentina Superleague (1:0). On the 90%2B3rd-y minute of game the only goal with a penalty was scored by the forward of "millionaires" Miguel Ankhel Borkha Ernandes. On the 90%2B12th-y, 90%2B13th-y, 90%2B14th-y and 90%2B15th-y red cards received three players of owners — Agustin Palavesino, Esekil Senturion and José Gomes Elias. At guests Merentiel, Valentini Nikolas, Inacio Martin Fernandes and the trainer Jorge Fransisko Almiron left Miguel Ankhel Borkha Ernandes. "River" gathered 37 points and continues to be in the lead in the championship Argentina. "Sides" takes the 13th place, at team of 18 points...
Inacio Martin Fernandes
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer
Miguel Ankhel Borkha Ernandes
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Palmeyras")
Gomes Elias
Valentini Nikolas