Safety people and nature: to Republic of Bashkortostan opened a ladder on shikhan Toratau

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The Toratau geopark was the focus of attention again. During a week at last long-awaited opening of a ladder on top shikhana took place. Its height – 412 meters. It will provide not only comfortable lifting of tourists, but also that, perhaps, the main thing, will protect flora and fauna. Earlier Red Book plants and endemiki were simply trodden. Tens laid spontaneous tracks threatened with disappearance of an ecosystem of Toratau. The scientific community was heard by the region management. Informative minute. Parents show to children at the stand of representatives of flora and fauna shikhana. road begins with this place to Toratau's top...
Rady Khabirov
Last position: Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan (Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan)
Ganiev Rustem
Dudarev Agate
Zakharova Elvire
Martynenko Vasilii