Representatives of monarchy from all over the world gathered on reception in the Buckingham palace

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In the Buckingham palace in London passes the reception organized by the king United Kingdom by Korol Charles III in anticipation of the crowning. To a festive event there arrived representatives of world monarchy and heads of states and their representatives. About it reports tabloid "The Daily Mail". The European monarchy presented to residences of the British king the prince Alber Alexander Louie Pierre Grimaldi and the princess Sharlen from Monaco, Felipe Khuan Pablo Alfonso de Todos los Santos de Burbon i Gresiya and Letisiya Ortis Rokasolano from Spain, the crown prince Denmark to Frédéric with kronrintsessy Mary's spouse, the crown prince of Norway Haakon and his wife kronprintsessa Mette Marit. Also the presence reception honored the king...