15 best series of May: Woody Harrelson in the drama about Uotergeytsky scandal and Arnold Schwarzenegger in the spy comedy

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In May we are waited a lot of by the curious. From "Plumbers of the White house" with Woody Harrelson and Teru Justin to "Fubar" with Arnold Schwarzenegger, and still new seasons "the World! Friendship! Cud! ", "Great", backs-off "Bridzhertonov" and with them "Ballet", "Cat" and "Prestige". We tell, than these series are interesting — choose on the taste, after all on May holidays there is every chance to find on them time. "Plumbers of the White house" / White House Plumbers the Biographic drama about Uotergeytsky scandal. Where, when: Home Box Office Inc, since May 1 of the 2023rd. It would seem, how many it is possible to remove movies, TV series and documentary...