The Tver theater dramas looks for new actors

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photo: The Tver theater Dramas State the regional Tverskaya the academic theater dramas looks for actors drama theaters (the man and the woman). On a site theaters are published requirements to candidates. Type: height is 170 — 190 cm, attractive appearance, a sports constitution. Game age: 17-25 . Role: hero, heroine, distinguishing hero, distinguishing heroine Privetstvuyutsya musical and choreographic abilities, possession of musical instruments. Working conditions: competition, on its results – registration on shopping Mall Russian Federation, salary following the results of selection, a housing question is discussed...
Dmitry Petrun
Last position: Actor, director
Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov
Main activity:Official
Xenia Lavrova-Glinka
Last position: Minister (Committee on Culture of the Tver region)
Pavlishina Alexander
Shkola-studiya Mkhat
Main activity:Culture and sports