Vitaly Melnikov will celebrate the 95 anniversary a retrospective of movies of the film director

@Minkul't Rossii
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This year the 95 anniversary of the master of domestic cinema, the film director, the national actor Russian Federation Vitaly Melnikov is celebrated. In Saint Petersburg and Khanty-Mansiysk where passed school days of future director, will pass a number of commemorative events. On May 1, in day of anniversary of the master, on TV channel "Pervy kanal" showed the 6-serial movie "The Russian Empire. The beginning", Vitaly Melnikov Vitaly Melnikov: "Tsarevitch Alexey", "Imperial hunting", "Poor, poor Pavel". On May 2 at 19:00 in the Petersburg House of cinema the evening devoted to the master on which colleagues and friends Vitaly Melnikov, his actors will act will take place...