The prosecutor of the Maloarkhangelny area protected the rights of children for available education

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Prosecutor's office Maloarkhangelsk district carried out an inspection of legality by accepted local governments regulations. It is established that the resolution of Administration of the Maloarkhangelsk district approved the Plan of measures on optimization of a network of the municipal educational organizations Maloarkhangelsk district for 2023-2025 to which actions for elimination of MBOU "Arkharovskaya oosh", Dubovitsky branch MBOU "Arkharovskaya oosh", МБОУ "Ivanovo city secondary general education school", and also MBDOU reorganization "Kindergarten the Art. Maloarkhangelsk" by accession in the form of the preschool are provided...
МБОУ "Ivanovo city secondary general education school"
Municipal state-financed institution of pre-school education kindergarten