Instead of persons - a mask. At the Altai theater dolls put performance about feeble-minded "genius" according to Kiz Daniel

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dolls "Fairy tale" passed in the Altai theater of the prime minister of the performance "Flowers for Eldzhernon" on the known novel Daniel Kiz. The history about the intellectual backward person on whom made experiment on intelligence increase, goes more than three hours. Over statement worked the director Aleksey Glebovich Smirnov and the artist Olshvanger Elizabeth which are known to the Barnaul public on statement "The story of a dog" at the same theater. The main character – 32-year-old Gordon Charlie (Batalov Roman) – works as the cleaner in a bakery and studies in a special school. While once the teacher Alice Kinnian (Pozdnyakova Nina) does not give the diligent...
Kiz Daniel
Olshvanger Elizabeth
Gordon Charlie
Batalov Roman